Club Resources
Below are some important resources for SIDRA Clubs. Also check out the SIDRA Google Drive for more important club resources. If you need access, email us to add you.
- Custom Wrist Bands
- Trophy List
- Sample Pro Payout Structure
- Kurt Caselli Foundation Course Marking Guide and Video
- Riders Meeting Notes
- Toilet Reimbursement Form
- Banner Material by the yard for fender cards - Signs Etc. 208-887-8696
AMA Sanctioning and Insurance
- AMA Sanction and insurance forms - please note that as of June 1, 2021 insurance forms need to be sent directly to Birdsong insurance. You will continue to send your AMA sanction form to AMA.
- SIDRA AMA Charter # is 3319053.
- AMA Event Checklist - Competition: A useful tool for competition organizers to utilize when planning an AMA-sanctioned race.
- AMA Release Waivers. Make sure you select Competition version.
- AMA Post Event Paperwork. Competition Referee Report, Injury Report, Protect Form and Membership sales report.
AMA Referee Resources and Training
AMA Referees are expected to help uphold the high standards of AMA-Sanctioned competition.
Please Note: AMA-Certified Referees are required to have a valid AMA membership.
AMA Risk Management
- AMA Risk Management Video - 13 minutes
- Competition Event Management Video - 17 minutes
- Understanding Insurance Document: A guide for organizers to understand the need for insurance and coverages. The AMA does not operate or make any money from insurance. The AMA negotiates rates with a third party provider.